Best Of AA?

Hello Woozens, Athletes,

I Would like to know Who’s the Nicest guy Or girl you know on Wooz World that is from AA

Let Give you a list,


Shak aka Me

Donkey Kong AKA shak pet


See ya




















Maybe I forgot some of you But

If  I Did tell me I Will put you In here

Oh And remember you can’t Vote for your Self

21 Responses

  1. Shak!!!!!!!!!and see ya!!! Oh shak can I plz have a deadmaus5 plz and can I join your blog thanks bye

    ~Reporter Aytan

  2. you forgot orangeblob

  3. No offence but these r the worst people Eva lol there’s a Lot of nice pplzZ

    • Why say we are the worst ppl Eva . . .?
      Why say we are nice pplz after you said we are the worst ppl Eva . . .?
      Why say no offense when you are attacking us . . .?
      Why say lol after you say we the worst ppl Eva . . .?
      Why Abby . . . Why . . .?

    • Abby not trying to be mean but why did u call everyone there mean? there really nice people

    • ok guys I didnt MEan It tht Way!! i Ment Like He should have added more nice people ovbi i think u guys r nice thts why i talk to you u guys r like my bffls

  4. I’m nice Abby?? U can even ask nat I give him free clothes and can give u some too

  5. Abby Im just saying How dare you say These People are the Worst Have you thought about your self Leave these people alone and maybe call your self Bad a person…

  6. me cough brett297

  7. ok guys stop! should we just stop and move on with our lives and forget about this

  8. according to my recent calculations and look back to the post brett i dont think shall vote for him own self hmmmmm lets see where that is in this short but long post
    words 80-85 “you cant vote for ur self”
    so bretts vote shall be deleted to his counting nobody shall been voted yet
    0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 (24 zero’s).

  9. Abby U Said These PPL Are The Worst Whattttt

  10. brett you can send it to aytan2423 (username) if u want to join my blog i might kick out some people that are not posting that often
    ~Reporter Aytan

  11. i thought drew was on this blog

  12. i vote for brett, we been friends since the beginnin

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