Bullying, Not Cool

Cloe here.

My brother Jack died today. He got bullied and he… killed himself…

Sometimes you will never know what you have until it’s gone… Forever and ever…

I saw him… Hanged himself up… In front of me… 😦 😦 😦

The kids in school call him names and text him messages and said mean stuff to him…

But he didn’t tell me or my dad & mom… He chose to hide it and afford it by himself…

I miss you, Jack. I always will… You will always be remembered in my heart, forever it stays.

Today, I’m not just here to say the story about my brother.

I’m here to talk about bullying…

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

I used to be bullied in pre-school. The kids were teasing me because I’m not white and I’m Chinese… Sometimes you might not mean bullying others, but lots of times you might really hurt that person you just called ASS HOE today.

A bully is a person who

-has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behavior.
-wants to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but who is unable and unwilling to accept
the responsibilities that are a prerequisite for being part of the adult world.
-abdicates and denies responsibility for their behaviour and its consequences (abdication and denial are common features of bullying)
-is unable and unwilling to recognise the effect of their behaviour on others
-does not want to know of any other way of behaving
-is unwilling to recognise that there could be better ways of behaving.

God bless,


16 Responses

  1. :(:(……….R.I.P jack and ur right I sometimes get bullied but they call it (messing around) saying stuff like that isn’t kidding or messing around

    • If someone ever makes you feel uncomfortable, you should report to an adult that you trust. Those kids can get into serious trouble if they keep doing those stuff

  2. Yeah Ik I did that but now I’ve earned my respect from those guys these days

  3. That’s how I feel when you guys call me names. And I’m sorry John. Don’t worry my little brother died too. He was only 7.how old was he? Please don’t bully me anymore.

  4. Thats how I feel when you guys call me names and stuff. My brother died too he was only 7 years old. I know how it feels when you lose some one.

  5. Thats how I feel when you guys call me names and stuff. My brother died too he was only 7 years old. I know how it feels when you lose some one.

  6. Moneyc Here I Was Bullied Once And Wass A Bully But Know I Am Nice I Stoped And Wht Grade Was Jack In And Drew I Am Not Gonna Quit

  7. Thats how I feel when you guys call me names and stuff. My brother died too he was only 7 years old. I know how it feels when you lose some one.

  8. Thats how I feel when you guys call me names and stuff. My brother died too he was only 7 years old. I know how it feels when you lose some one.z

  9. 😦 😦 thats so sad if you need anything cloe just ask me ok? and i use to get bullyed when i was in the 5th grade but it stopped and everytime i see people get bullyed i go to the bully and ask him to stop and he will and may your brother rest in peace


  10. Sorry for the spam. I think it gotto all my account and did that.

  11. No problom cloe and i will do something to this blog to not bully

  12. That sucks bro i got bullied too in my middle school years a lot and i had to see my school counselor so many times and now that i am in high school i still get bullied but not as much as i did in middle school and i hope we put a end to bullies for good and so sorry for your loss.

    • Well, in our school, we have a special team that’s against bullying called the Solution Team. You should tell your parents that you are getting bullying. And thanks.

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